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Benefits of Taking CCNA Practice Test as Preparation for the Cisco 200-301 Exam

CCNA – Cisco Certified Network Associate, is a prestigious IT network certification awarded by Cisco. The CCNA 200-301 certification is considered a high-level networking certification acknowledged across the globe by organizations, and this certification confirms an individual’s skill in working with enterprise-level networks. This post will highlight Cisco 200-301 exam details, tips for exam prep, and how the CCNA practice test can help you get through the exam.

Cisco CCNA 200-301 certification confirms the applicant’s understanding and skills corresponding to network fundamentals, network access, IP services, security fundamentals, IP connectivity, and automation and programmability, among other similar networking skills.

CCNA 200-301 Exam Information

  • Exam Name: Cisco Certified Network Associate
  • Exam Code: 200-301
  • Number of Questions: 90-110 Questions
  • Exam Duration: 120 mins
  • Exam Fee: $300
  • Passing Score: 750-850
  • Exam Language: English, Japanese

Tips to Prepare for CCNA 200-301 Exam with CCNA Practice Test

Tip 1: Know The CCNA 200-301 Exam In Detail

First of all, individuals involved in earning the CCNA certification must crack the Cisco 200-301 exam. Aspiring candidates should become familiar with the exam structure, CCNA syllabus, types of questions, and so on.

Tip 2: Become Familiar with CCNA Syllabus

Exam takers must explicitly understand the skills assessed in the exam to study competently. The Cisco 200-301 exam covers six core areas that applicants will be evaluated on. This comprises Networking basics, Network access, IP connectivity, IP services, network security basics, and automation and programmability. As you perceive, you must become familiar with these syllabus topics to pass the CCNA certification exam.

Tip 3: Chart Out A Practical Study Plan

A practical and realistic study plan is vital for anyone to crack the CCNA 200-301 exam. So, exam takers must make a study plan that suits their schedule. Moreover, it is crucial to assign time every day for exam preparation. And above all, applicants must stick to their plan despite all distractions.

Tip 4: Make Most Out of Cisco Official Training Materials

The vendor provides the official Implementing and Administering Cisco Solutions (CCNA) v1.0 course for applicants to study for the Cisco 200-301 exam. So, it’s the first one that you must opt for. Moreover, Cisco provides a training program that includes all the information needed to pass this Cisco exam and comprises various self-study resources, lectures, and virtual labs. Apart from this, obtain the study guides for self-study. And if you’re interested, there are a lot of additional CCNA study guides that you can buy from the Cisco Press website.

Tip 5: Boost Confidence With CCNA Practice Test

The CCNA practice test is vital in passing this Cisco 200-301 certification exam. Commonly, it’s the last step in exam preparation before taking the real exam, and that’s because it allows exam takers to assess themselves and boost confidence. So, exam takers must take the CCNA practice test to enhance their knowledge.

Tip 6: Ace the Cisco 200-301 Exam

The final step in acquiring the CCNA certification is to ace the Cisco 200-301 exam. Referring to delivery more, applicants can physically attend the exam or go for the online proctored option. Anyway, exam-takers must get adequate rest the day before the exam and attend it with an energetic mind.

Benefits of Taking CCNA Practice Test

1. Alleviate Anxiety

It’s common for exam takers to become tense and stressed when exam dates are nearer. Frequently, doubtfulness is a significant reason for this anxiety. Applicants aren’t certain what the exam includes and how ready they are. Giving a CCNA practice test from NWExam.com can remove this questionably and help the applicants overcome their anxiety.

2. Strengthen Confidence

When applicants notice themselves scoring well on the CCNA practice test, it inevitably boosts their confidence and further strengthens their performance. Research reveals that they are more likely to score well on the exams when candidates are confident.

3. CCNA Practice Test Supports Revision

Commonly, applicants aren’t certain how to carry out their revision. After spending months preparing for their exam, they often feel that they’ve shirked everything and require revising everything from the beginning. Though, that isn’t fact. Anything that we read or study is saved in our implicit memory, and we remember it as soon as something associated with it boosts our brain.

Giving CCNA practice test can help trigger your implicit memory and push it. They give you a thought of what you should revise and what you already excel at.

4. Improves Time Management Skills

Often, exam takers foul up their exams because they fail to devote proper time to each CCNA 200-301 exam question. The ideal way to evade this is to take a time-bound CCNA practice test from NWExam.com to perceive whether or not you can complete the Cisco 200-301 exam in time.

5. CCNA Practice Test Gauge Your Progress

As you keep giving the CCNA practice test, you can save track of your progress and perceive where you stand from the result of the CCNA practice test. For example, you can spend a week studying and enhancing your exam-taking skills and then take the CCNA practice test to compare your previous attempts. This gives you an idea of how you’re progressing and whether or not you need to pace up.

6. Makes You Familiar with the Exam Structure

Taking the CCNA practice test can help you become familiar with the Cisco 200-301 exam structure. You may identify similarities between exams and create a shortcut or adequate strategy to ace your exam.


So, it’s a well-known fact that the Cisco CCNA is a respected certification that paves the way for many advanced jobs. Meanwhile, this associate-level certification works as a stepping stone for acquiring Cisco’s professional and expert-level certifications. Hence, follow the steps in this article to receive your CCNA badge and broaden your career opportunities.